As part of our ongoing company strategy and corporate social responsibility, Dugdale Nutrition are fully committed to playing our part towards sustainability in agriculture and reducing our carbon footprint.
As a two-site operation, we have made strides towards lowering our environmental impact and remain committed to sustainable production and processes going forward. We look forward to sharing the positive changes we have made and future developments with you going forward.
From May 1st all compound feeds, ACM’s and blends from Dugdale Nutrition will switch to Triple S® (Sustainably Sourced & Supplied) Soya. Triple S® is Cargill’s own sustainability certification program and farmers who commit to this program, pledge to produce their crops under three core criteria:
Using best agricultural practices
Protecting worker welfare
Producing on land which has not been deforested
The program is independently verified and is benchmarked against the FEFAC (European feed compounder association) sustainable soy guidelines.
All products containing Triple S® Soya will feature a new icon located on the declaration tickets on each bag or on the accompanying paperwork with bulk loads.

This icon represents DN’s commitment to sustainability in agriculture and reducing our carbon footprint.
For further information, please do not hesitate to contact your local DN Sales Specialist, Account Manager or call DN HQ on 01200 420200.