DN DC Replenisher buckets are a high specification mineral, vitamin and trace element lick, specifically tailored to pre-calving nutrition demands. Featuring:
Low in calcium and high in magnesium to help prevent milk fever.
High levels of vitamin E and Availa selenium to support calf vigour whilst also supporting cow health and immunity during the transition period.
Contains Availa 3 (zinc, manganese and copper) to assist in hoof and udder health, support immune function and fertility.
Inclusion of omega-3 fish oils to help optimise fertility in early lactation.
Addition of soya protein supports milk and colostrum production in early lactation.
Available in 22.5kg.
Bucket Key: Green Lid.

For further information about our DC Replenisher or any other products, please contact your local DN Sales Specialist or call The DN Store on 01200 420234.