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  • Bag Collection Procedure
    In order to ensure the safety of both our staff and customers, and following government guidelines, we have implemented the following procedure when collecting essential feed orders: DN Store Collection Procedure: Drive into the warehouse once the barrier is lifted One customer at once is permitted into the DN Store If you would prefer, you can remain in your vehicle to be served and a member of the DN Store team will take your order and radio through to the office Once loaded, please promptly drive out of the warehouse & if required, you may pull up in our designated bay to secure your load Wherever possible, please PRE-ORDER feed by calling your local DN Representative or The DN Store team on 01200 420234. This will ensure that your order is dealt with in the safest and most efficient way. CARD PAYMENT PREFERRED. In order to reduce the spread of disease and the risk to our employees, we politely ask that you avoid the use of cheques wherever possible. Cash not accepted. If you are a local customer who has tested positive for COVID-19 or if you are currently in self-isolation, please call your local DN Representative or The DN Store team on 01200 420234 and we will do our utmost to help. DO NOT leave your house or enter DN premises.
  • Essential Information Required for Feed Deliveries
    The overall aim of this guidance is to ensure that our feed deliveries to farms are maintained through the current and ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. This information has been prepared in line with advice from the AIC, taking into consideration the latest information available from AHDB and other official sources, including Public Health England. This information must be gathered at the point of order by the Sales Support Team, Sales Specialist, Wholesale Partner, or any individual taking a customers’ order. Customer Information Required: Is the customer, or anyone else on the farm in self isolation, showing symptoms or has tested positive for COVID-19? Up to to date and preferred contact details for someone on farm Name Mobile Number Email Address (where possible) Delivery Information Required: Bin number(s) for product(s) Bag delivery point(s) Any other delivery points Where to leave the paperwork Any other special information Other Important Factors: If necessary, customers should leave signage to indicate the location where they want the feed if the delivery point is not clear or obvious Customers should NOT approach the driver If absolutely neccessary, please ensure that a strict 2-meter social distancing from the driver is always be maintained Customers should be aware that the driver may leave disposable PPE, worn at the site, in line with existing biosecurity protocols for animal disease outbreaks This will be left in a bin bag at the delivery point Customers should disinfect and clean surfaces or areas around and on the delivery points where various people have or will come into contact with them Prior to Delivery Customers will be contacted on the day prior to their scheduled delivery and we politely ask that any changes to people’s health on the premises, between feed being ordered and delivery, is communicated to Dugdale Nutrition Is it important to note that WE WILL deliver feed if a customer is self-isolating, or has been confirmed as having COVID-19. We are implementing these additional procedures to ensure employee safety whilst on farm and to continue to provide excellent lead times and service on our deliveries. Failure to provide this essential information could result in delays to orders. Thank you for your continued cooperation and understanding during this difficult time.
  • Contactless Delivery Procedure
    In order to ensure the safety of both our staff and customers, and following government guidance, we have implemented the following procedure for bulk and bag deliveries: Place your order as usual by calling your local DN Representative or the dedicated orderline 01200 420201 When placing your order, please give clear delivery instructions for the driver - bin numbers, where to leave paperwork etc. When we arrive on farm with your order, please DO NOT approach the driver ONLY if it is essential to speak to the driver, please do so by remaining AT LEAST 2 metres apart Paperwork will be left in the agreed place when feed has been delivered As ever our priority remains the safety of our colleagues and customers, closely followed by our efforts to keep up with product availability. The DN Team has responded in a magnificent fashion so far, keeping lead times very reasonable considering record demand. Please help play your part in this by adhering to the new procedures and by giving us more notice when placing orders, which allows for better planning.
  • Raw Material Intake Procedure
    The overall aim of this guidance is to ensure that collections and deliveries from supplier to DN Mills are maintained through the current COVID-19 situation. With an increased seasonal demand for feed, the need to maintain capacity through this supply chain is crucial. This information has been taken from the AHDB guidance for combinable crop deliveries and collections dated the 20th March which has been collated by industry working groups and trade associations. GUIDANCE FOR ON FARM, PORT AND STORE COLLECTION The NFU have produced a comprehensive set of guidance and helpful information for growers that can be found on their website. Key points from the NFU are as follows: • Visitors, deliveries and collections on farm: Avoid direct contact with new entrants on farm. Ensure hands are washed thoroughly before new entrants come onto the farm and use of PPE where necessary. • Ensure that all surfaces that may be shared by entrants onto the farm are cleaned before and after use to prevent spread of the virus. • Consider biosecurity protocols such as cleaning types of equipment which uses hands. • Communal rooms and toilets for farm staff- ensure there are handwashing facilities available. • It is important where possible that we, the supply chain, work together. In the event grain lorry capacity is tightened, if your business is able to give flexibility for grain loading times this will help ease tightness. SPECIFIC GUIDANCE FOR DRIVERS The Road Haulage Association have produced specific guidance for staff in the transport sector. Key points from this document are outlined below: • Frequently clean and disinfect objects and surfaces that are touched regularly, using your standard cleaning products, this includes areas inside the cab and any external areas that are at risk of contact by third parties. • Use facilities at end destination for washing hands and sanitising. • Follow all rules and instructions given at the end-receiver site. • Ensure all contact with third parties follows official government guidance when en-route to end destination. GUIDANCE AT DN MILLS Observe notices which indicate keeping a minimum of 2 metres distance from other personnel. All incoming vehicles will report to the weighbridge window. Only one driver at a time will be dealt with at the weighbridge window. Please be patient and await someone coming to the window. Please use the intercom if there is one fitted. Present your paperwork to the DN representative, this will be passed through the window. If you are bringing in cereals, then further instructions will be given to you to obtain a representative sample to be brought back to the weighbridge office to be tested. Instructions will be given along with PPE to undertake this. Pass your paperwork through the window. A phone call will be made to the relevant tipping location to confirm your arrival and details to determine where to tip/route your load. Details of load to be inputted onto DSL or made out on the DN Tare Ticket A detailed sample bag will be prepared to take with you to obtain a sample of the load which will be placed in the appropriate sample store (Clitheroe at the control room) (Speke back to the weighbridge office). You will be given your tipping location. Please refrain from making contact with other people on site and maintain a 2-meter distance. Blend Shed only please stop in your vehicle at the entrance until a Blend Shed Operative acknowledges you and then move to the relevant bay to tip. Mill Only await site specific instructions to tip. Once tipped, please return to the weighbridge to be tared out. Duplicate paperwork and Tare Ticket to be passed back to you through window.
  • Payment by Cheque or Card
    In order to reduce the spread of disease and the risk to our employees, please pay by card wherever possible. Cheque payments will also be accepted. Card payments can be made over the phone or in The DN Store when collecting feed. Bank transfers must be made prior to collection. Please avoid paying by cash.
  • Local Customers In Self-Isolation
    If you are a local customer currently in isolation, please call your local DN Representative or the warehouse team on 01200 420234 and we will do out utmost to help. We have waived the 1 tonne minimum delivery for those in this situation only.
  • All Other Customers In Self-Isolation
    If you are in isolation, YOU MUST INFORM US of this when placing your order. We can then agree a safe place to leave your order and paperwork.
  • Departmental Restrictions
    All staff are required to remain in their own departments at all times.
  • PPE
    The Company have adequate amounts of PPE available for employees. To discuss your requirements please contact your Line Manager.
  • Weighbridge
    The DN weighbridge remains CLOSED to the public until further notice. Clitheroe - Members of staff and the public will continue to ring the buzzer for assistance at the external window Speke – The main office window will be used as normal, please note that once all paperwork is complete staff/members of the public should not stay in the vicinity longer than needed

We will continue to keep you informed of any updates or changes to our procedures via our social media pages and with regular updates to our website. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with your local DN Representative or by calling 01200 420200.


Our staff may be classified as key workers in a critical industry, but please remember they are also very worried husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, etc. Please help them to help you by following these new guidelines. Stay safe.



Dugdale Nutrition

Bellman Mill







Monday to Friday

8am to 4.45pm




Monday to Friday

7am to 5pm


8am to 12pm



01200 420201



01200 420234



01200 420200

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