A high specification mineral, vitamin and trace element lick to support flock health and performance all year round.
​Features & Benefits:
Full specification of minerals, vitamins and trace elements including Availa zinc to help balance potential deficiencies in forages and support overall animal health, foot health and immune system.
Includes vitamin B1 for where there is a risk of CCN (cerebrocortical necrosis) and vitamin B12 to help support good growth rates on cobalt deficient pasture.
Available in 20kg pack size.
Also available in our NEW eco-packaging - feed it & forget it!!
Ideal for:
All classes of sheep on forage-based systems throughout the year.
Ewes at tupping time where no extra energy is required.
User Guide:
Offer free-access at a ratio of one 20kg bucket per 35 head of sheep.
Ensure ad-libitum forage is always available.
Typical Intakes:
Sheep up to 30g/head/day*
Cattle up to 150g/head/day*
*Consumption will be influenced by the number of feed points per head of stock, forage availability and quality, other feeds available, age and breed of stock and proximity to water sources.